Case Study: Municipal WWTP (NL, Canada)

Model of Multi-Disk Screw Press – MDQ-102C
Start of Operation – 2019 November


The customer was looking for a low-cost, yet reliable and easy-to-operate solution for sewage from a construction site of an offshore platform treatment.


Project was carried together with our partner MABAREX. Esmil offered Multi-Disk Screw Press MDQ-102 C, which is part of the containerized wastewater treatment plant.

Results (Canada, Argentia)

Type of sludgeexcess activated sludge
from MBR
Operating time6-10 h/d
Initial sludge capacity2.2-4.4 gpm
Inlet sludge DS content0.5-1 %
Cake DS content15-17 %
Polymer powder consumption10 lb/tonDS
TSS concentration in filtrate20-100 ppm
DS capture ratemore than 98 %

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